Why three is great so far:
- My girls can climb into our minivan, climb up into their car seats, and buckle their harnesses by themselves. All I have to do is tighten them in. What a difference this makes, you can't imagine. I can actually run more than one errand with them without exhausting all of us, and it's totally manageable.
- They can go downstairs in the early morning and grab an orange or banana from the fruit bowl if it's too early to go down and start breakfast, or if I'm running a bit late for work.
- They can go potty! Woohoo! This isn't such a new development, but there are far fewer accidents, and now they can wipe themselves (for pee at least), climb up on a stool, turn the tap to cold, and wash/dry their hands independently. I'm smiling as I write this it makes me so happy. They would love it if I would let them dump the pee from the pots into the big potty, but I prefer that they don't.
- They can make their beds, and put their pajamas away each morning. Miss A even likes to fold hers, and she's really good at it, too! They will also put their dirty clothes in the laundry basket with encouragement. Toy pick up is a work in progress, but we've had a few talks about why toys go missing, and I'm hoping that very soon they will see the benefit of a place for everything and everything in it's place. We'll see.
- They have turn-taking down pat. They're so used to it by now, sometimes I don't even have to remind them. There are certainly arguments over some things, but for the most part, sharing is so ingrained in them, they know what they have to do.
- They can clear their dishes from the table and put them into the sink. Hey, every little bit counts, right?
- And the number one best thing about being three - my girls are beyond excited to become big sisters. This is great, because we are expecting baby #3 in two and a half months (perhaps another reason for my lack of posts). They constantly ask questions about the baby, they tell me every day what they're going to teach the baby, and they give my baby bump cuddles and kisses all the time, and talk to their baby through my tummy. Miss A is especially affectionate with my bump, often rubbing it and saying "We'll keep you safe, baby." I always thought I would do the two year gap between kids, like a lot of people do, but I'm really thrilled with the timing of this pregnancy so far. I could not imagine having welcomed a baby a year ago (although I know of other twin moms who did), as I found my girls were still so demanding of my time and attention. Now, however, I feel like the timing couldn't be better. The girls are potty trained, in big girls beds, they can go in unparented classes and activities, they'll be off to preschool in September, and communication is so much easier. I feel like they have as good an understanding as possible for their age about what's to come.
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